xvc storage new minio


Create a new Xvc storage on a MinIO instance. It allows to store tracked file contents in a Minio server.


$ xvc storage new minio --help
Add a new Minio storage

Usage: xvc storage new minio [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --endpoint <ENDPOINT> --bucket-name <BUCKET_NAME> --region <REGION>

  -n, --name <NAME>
          Name of the storage
          This must be unique among all storages of the project

      --endpoint <ENDPOINT>
          Minio server url in the form https://myserver.example.com:9090

      --bucket-name <BUCKET_NAME>
          Bucket name

      --region <REGION>
          Region of the server

      --storage-prefix <STORAGE_PREFIX>
          You can set a directory in the bucket with this prefix
          [default: ]

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')


Xvc doesn't store any credentials. Xvc gets server credentials from two environment variables: XVC_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID and XVC_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY. You must supply the credentials in these two environment variables before running any command that connects to the storage.

These environment variables can contain user name and password to Minio server. If you have created service accounts, you can also set the keys to them as keys.

$ export XVC_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=mypassword
$ xvc storage new minio --name minio-storage --endpoint 'http://example.com:9001' --bucket-name xvc-bucket --region us-east-1 --storage-prefix my-project


You can create a new Minio storage by supplying the credentials and required parameters.

$ export XVC_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY=mypassword
$ xvc storage new minio --name minio-storage --endpoint 'http://example.com:9001' --bucket-name xvc-bucket --region us-east-1 --storage-prefix my-project

After defining the storage, you can push, fetch, and pull files with xvc file push and xvc file pull commands.


--name NAME is not verified to be unique but you should use unique storage names to refer them later. You can also use storage GUIDs listed by xvc storage list to refer to storages.

You must have a valid connection to the server.

Xvc uses Minio API port (9001, by default) to connect to the server. Ensure that it's accessible.

For reasons caused from the underlying library, Xvc tries to connect http://xvc-bucket.example.com:9001 if you give http://example.com:9001 as the endpoint, and xvc-bucket as the bucket name. You may need to consider this when you have servers running in exact URLs. If you have a http://minio.example.com:9001 as a Minio server, you may want to supply http://example.com:9001 as the endpoint, and minio as the bucket name to form the correct URL. This behavior may change in the future.

Technical Details

This command requires Xvc to be compiled with minio feature, which is on by default. It uses Rust async features via rust-s3 crate, and may add some bulk to the binary. If you want to compile Xvc without these features, please refer to How to Compile Xvc document.

The command creates .xvc-guid file in http://{{BUCKET-NAME}}.{{ENDPOINT}}/{{STORAGE-PREFIX}}/.xvc-guid. The file contains the unique identifier for this storage. The same identifier is also recorded to the project.

A file that's found in .xvc/{{HASH_PREFIX}}/{{CACHE_PATH}} is saved to http://{{BUCKET-NAME}}.{{ENDPOINT}}/{{STORAGE-PREFIX}}/{{REPO_ID}}/{{HASH_PREFIX}}/{{CACHE_PATH}}. {{REPO_ID}} is the unique identifier for the repository created during xvc init. Hence if you use a common storage for different Xvc projects, their files are kept under different directories. There is no inter-project deduplication.